Work Relocation Checklist

Group of professionals smilingAre you moving because your job? Whether you’re going to work for a new employer in another city or your current employer is asking you to relocate, there are some important items to consider as you prepare for the move. Make the whole process easier on yourself by checking off the things on this list and by hiring professional corporate movers in Greensboro, NC.

  • Get all possible relocation benefits. Ask your employer what incentives, bonuses, allowances, and reimbursements are available.
  • Hire a real estate agent to sell your current home. It can sometimes take a few months to sell a home, so the sooner you get your house on the market the better.
  • Research the city you’re moving to. Get a feel for the community and the local economy. Make sure your new salary is sufficient for the area. Find out where you may want to live in proximity to your workplace.
  • Visit your new city a few times prior to moving. It is crucial that you see the new place in person to get a feel for the atmosphere and rhythm of the city.
  • Find a real estate agent in your new city to help you find the right home and location for you. If you need to know what neighborhoods are best for families in good school districts or if you want to be near the city or in the country, a real estate agent who is familiar with the new city can help you find what you’re looking for.
  • Research mortgage lenders. Choose one and get preapproval. Shop around for mortgage rates and get preapproved so that you will know your price range before you start looking at homes.
  • Choose reliable movers in Greensboro, NC, to help you relocate easily. Whether you are leaving Greensboro or moving in, it’s important to find movers you can trust to get your things from point A to point B safely.
  • Make travel arrangements for yourself, family, and pets. As soon as you have the moving date set, book your flights if necessary including pet arrangements.
  • Tie up loose ends like utilities, bank accounts, and medical prescriptions. Be sure to have your utilities turned off for your old home after you leave and have your new home’s utilities turned on before you arrive. Transfer your bank accounts if necessary and refill all of your prescriptions.

Steele and Vaughn, Experienced Movers in Greensboro, NC
If you’ve completed this checklist, you are well prepared for relocation. Wherever you are in the process, keep this list close and refer to it often. You will find that the entire process is much less stressful when you take care of these items in due time. Then you are free to focus on your new career and the opportunities that are opening up for you. Trust Steele and Vaughn, reliable movers in Greensboro, NC, to help you make a smooth transition to the next phase of your life. Call (336) 273-0546.

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  1. […] Complete this checklist and you will be ready for corporate or work relocation wherever you may go. Whether it’s local, long-distance or international. […]

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